Phone Stand Prototype

For this week, we were assigned to come up with ideas on making a personal phone stand.We were firstly given instructions on how we could go about starting on the project itself. We were shown the process of creating ideas followed by developing them through sketches and then applying and making a cardboard prototype about it.

With this, I started out my project by brainstorming potential designs for my phone stand on paper. Then, I sketch out a rough plan on how it would look like and specified the specific features for the stand. This included things such as where and how I wanted my phone to be, Should I include any support for it to stand and if I wanted to add any additional items.

Next, I went ahead and did a second draft of my prototype, with a clearer image in mind.I also included the measurements for the phone stand to fit nicely, not forgetting to add a few more cm allowances for the phone.I went ahead to start out on my prototype using cardboard.

However, I realised that I did not have enough cardboard for the sides of the stand and hence had to substitute it using some tape so that I could form the rest of the support structure and prevent the phone from toppling over.The outcome of it was generally successful, being able to hold my phone and having a place to store my headphone wire.Some thing that could be improved on would be the size of the stand as it could have been a little more smaller in size so that it would be more convienient to carry around.